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Android and iPhone Comparison

There are a few things to consider when comparing Android and Apple Devices:

Basic Cost: Depending on the model of Android-powered phone and how new the iPhone is, the price can be very similar. Older models could cost around $99.00 while newer models can cost up to $199.00 or more for both Android and iPhone. The costs are similar between tablets and the iPad as well, ranging from around $400.00 to $900.00. The cost of a tablet can also vary depending on whether or not you choose to have a data plan with your tablet or buy a wi-fi only tablet.

Functionality: While many people argue that the looks of the iPhone are superior to most Android phones, many Android phones have comparable features like video, cameras, and memory. One important note is that the Apple iPhone does not allow users to run Flash applications. Flash is used in many applications on the internet for example, many free games require Flash. Apple does this so that the user has to buy the games from their app store, however, blocking Flash is also a way to prevent some viruses and security problems.

Plans: When comparing Android phones and the iPhone, it is most important to remember that the iPhone is only available for two service providers, AT&T and Verizon, whereas Android phones are available for most service providers including many pay-as-you-go options like Boost and Virgin Mobile. There can also be hidden costs in running certain applications for the iPhone, for example, to use GPS it would cost extra.

Applications Available: Currently the Android Market and iTunes App Store are very close in the number of apps and games that are provided. The iPhone App Store offers a more advanced and controlled selection of applications, which is better for consumer protection, however, many of the applications for the iPhone are quite expensive as a result. The Android Market provides a greater range of applications usually for better prices, but since there is less control over what applications can be submitted there is a greater risk of viruses and privacy breaches. Android applications are growing in size, quality, and range and quickly catching up to the Apple App Store.

Applications Download: Like everything in life, there are two sides to this subject. Apple insists that the user buys or downloads all applications through their store (providing an important revenue stream for them), but this also offers the consumer an important service: all applications are checked for problems before they can be installed to the phone. This offers an important form of protection against malware, but it also provides Apple an opportunity to block applications (some useful) that could interfere with their revenue stream.

The Writer's Personal Opinion: Although Apple provides great functionality, design, and application services for their products the iPhone and iPad, Android-powered devices are preferable because they are not so strictly controlled by Google and can provide a multitude of useful services for a cheaper price or for free. Despite this opinion, both types of devices are useful and one must always base their decision on which item fits their needs better.